
TPO Roofing and You

TPO is a single ply system that is the fastest-growing commercial membrane solution for roofing. It has been engineered for superior performance that will last a long time and has the added benefit of being great for the environment. How easy it to install this solution and how well will this system work with other cooling solutions you already have?

Ease of Installation

For experts that have used TPO solutions, installation is easy and dovetails into existing roof setups. There are two common solutions that people can use for even the most challenging roofing. The first is the Fully Adhered System. Fully Adhered is lightweight, but still is effective at aiding in cooling for hot environments....


Single Ply Roofing

At times, clients will come to me and ask what a single ply roofing solution would look like and what the cost might be on average. Well, first we need to break down the actual system. What does ply refer to? Ply is the thickness or layer for a laminated or folded material. Many times, it applies to either paper or wood. Single plywood would indicate you have one layer, while triple ply would be three layers.

In a single ply system for roofing, it can refer to a single membrane, that has both flexibilities as well as UV resistance. The whole thing can be put down in one layer using an adhesive compound or physical fasteners. For the single-ply system, it can come in a variety of materials suc...


Roof Inspections

A strong storm has just blown through, and you found a few asphalt shingles in your front yard. Water spots are forming on the ceiling of the second floor after a strong rain. It appears that part of the roof is exposed when you look at it from the street.

All of these are very common things that can happen when you own a home. What can you do? Should you attempt to do a roof inspection on your own?

1. Can You Inspect Your Own Roof?

We all want to save money these days. After a violent storm, some may think they can do their own roof inspection and determine if there is anything wrong. This thinking is dangerous in a number of ways. The inspection cannot be done from the ground. There are too m...


The Best Roof Type for the Florida Coast

Living in a nice, seaside property is the dream for many. Coastal living has always held an allure with peaceful views and easy access to the beaches. Many retirees work their whole lives just to settle down in nice beach communities such as Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, and Ponte Vedra Florida. So what kind of roofing material should you go with when you are living so close to the ocean and you have the possibility of strong winds?

1. Changing Standards

Florida is unique with 1,350 miles of ocean-side coastlines that give you access to the Atlantic. It is pleasant to be next to the Atlantic when things are peaceful, but when it is hurricane season, look out! Some areas in Florida have ev...


Should I Get a Slate Roof?

Slate has been used for roofing tile for centuries. The first recorded slate roof was created in 1300 A.D. in North Wales, England. For most people at this time, the material was too expensive for the common people so it was only used for military buildings and castles. Things have changed dramatically now.

While the cost is still high, slate can be found on many residential buildings. Slate looks great, and it is one of the longest lasting roofing materials you can buy. The installation can be difficult, so be sure to go with an expert! Let’s explore if slate would be good for you.

1. Great for the Beach

Are you looking for a good roofer in Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach, or Ponte Ved...


Is Copper Roofing for You?

Copper roofing looks great when you first put it on, but how does it look after years of usage? If you live in an area with many historic or older buildings, you are probably familiar with copper roofing. Florida has several buildings that have copper on the roof and people that live by the beach at times wonder if a copper roof would be good for them.

What surprises many when they learn about copper roofing is that many are over 100 years old. With proper maintenance, a copper roof with over ten decades on it can go for another 100 years. Let’s explore this beautiful metal and see if it would be a good fit for your home.

1. Does a Copper Roof Make Sense?

Copper roofing can last for sever...


Ponte Vedra Beach Roofing

Ponte Vedra Beach Roofing

Ponte Vedra Beach in Florida is a great place to visit if you are vacationing in Jacksonville. For residents, the beach promises fun on paddle boards, kayaks, or fishing boats. If you live near Ponte Vedra Beach, you might wonder what the salty environment is doing to your home. Is all of that moisture and salt in the air good for your house?

1. Roofing by the Beach

Having a home by the beach is great, but it comes with a lot of extra things to think about when you are selecting the things that go on the outside of your home. Recently, a homeowner asked me for a recommendation on a metal roof. They wanted to know if galvanized steel would be better or if they should go...


Roofing in Jacksonville Beach

Roofing in Jacksonville Beach

Jacksonville Beach Florida. The weather is great with a constant breeze that is relaxing. For many, this is their dream location to be right next to the water. You can enjoy a nice run on the sand, or grab a bike and head out for a ride. Living so close to the water though can raise a lot of questions. What kind of roof should you have put on your home when you are so close to the salt water of the ocean?

1. Special Roofing Considerations

When you are on the coast, a combination of wind, salt, and humidity will be working on your whole home. Homeowners should be forewarned; they are going to have to change out the materials on their home more frequently. If your ar...


Best Roofing for Neptune Beach

Best Roofing for Neptune Beach

Everyone loves to go down to the beach. Neptune Beach in Florida is a known vacation spot where you can enjoy the sun, sand, and simple pleasures. The water and the waves are so relaxing; it is no wonder that many people want a vacation home or their full-time residence in the area.

Unfortunately, with the amazing view come a few downsides. Florida is known for their storms and hectic weather. Residents may buy a home on the beach, and then begin to regret it with the first harsh storm that blows through. What should homeowners know about buying a home near the water in Florida?

1. Exterior Paint

When you are living in Neptune Beach, or along any other beach in Flo...


Filing your Insurance Claim

Filing your Insurance Claim

In the previous articles, we went over how to gather evidence for your claim, get a second opinion from a skilled roofer, and also how to avoid scams and fraud from dishonest contractors. With all of this done, it is time to file the insurance claim. The following guide will help you with each step to take.

1. Locate your Policy

If you no longer have a paper copy of your policy, try logging in online with the insurance company website. Most insurance companies now offer the option to print out a paper copy of your policy using their website. Copy down your policy number as well as the deductible for wind or hail damage.

Organize your claim proof including date and tim...